Monday, February 19, 2018

The War Letters

February 18, 1944

"Well here we are again." He's been spending a lot of time in the library in preparation for the test, plus it's much easier to write there. Today was spent with lectures on Venereal Diseases, keeping mum on military information, etc. They were told today that most of them will not make the grade. There are just too many who would qualify, but six months to a year ago, they all would have made it. It seems that the limits for qualifications have been lifted and only the "cream" will make it now. The news has had a bad effect on the men. He still hopes he'll make it, but a new Engineering course is opening up, so he may be able to talk his way into that. No mail yet. The food is great, and the cooks just keep piling it on but signs posted around the Mess Hall read "if you accept it - eat it." The weather has improved, sunny and mild. Physicals tomorrow. Though he should be studying, he tells his family that his favorite part of the day is when he writes them - makes him feel like he's talking to them. With that, he closes with a "dirty" joke and bids adieu for today!

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The War Letters - On Hiatus

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