Monday, February 19, 2018

The War Letters

February 19, 1944

"I thought it was about time I addressed one to you - (meaning his brother). He appreciates that Harry handled the valentine situation. As of noon he'd received no mail, not even anything forwarded from Dix. Nothing since last Tuesday. Looks like Sunday (tomorrow) his plans are shot because he found out his whole barracks is assigned KP. So far, no exams yet. Today was a physical, lectures and movies in the afternoon. It seems that the technician giving the exam graded his eyesight 20-30, but when he saw that he was an A.C. candidate, he changed it to 20-20. When the R.C. Chaplain was lecturing, he asked how many were was a "jolt" to find the R.C.'s are in the minority in the South. The camp has mud everywhere and it is forever being tracked into the barracks. When it's wet out, there's mud. When it's dry out, there's dust. If they need to reach him for an emergency, they were all told to start with the Red Cross on the home end, which will save time. Until next time...

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The War Letters - On Hiatus

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