Saturday, February 24, 2018

The War Letters

February 24, 1944

"At last here I am over in my little spot in the library." He's relieved to have some peace and quiet while writing. The pre-servicemen got passes to go to town. "Jeeps" like him have to wait another week before they can leave the Post. Through some scouting, he's found a latrine that is only used slightly and he's found a washboard and hot water, so he was able to do a lot of washing. He's finally learning some of the ins and outs of the place.He received a couple letters today - one from Ann - nothing from his "loved ones." He took the Air Cadet Mental today and thinks he did OK. One of his buddies from home flunked out and it looks like he'll be going to gunnery. It seems that many will flunk out because they just don't need them anymore, "especially if you're not A-1 material." He also took tests to be classified in Trade in case he doesn't pass. The weather is of the "summer variety" and he's not envying his family the snow and wind. Once he's eligible for a pass, he's planning to get himself "one of these college women" so he has an in and he should be all set. The fact that it's such a dirty place is still a frustration. He tells his family, "if you see a sloppy or dirty soldier don't condemn him as I have so often done. Just remember that 95% of his fault can be attributed to the unavailability of proper facilities and supplies." Of course, not the officers, just the enlisted men.

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